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Apr 10, 2010

Sunless Tanning Spray

Get That Sexy Summer Glow With Sunless Tanning Spray

Is has long been a practice of women and some men to sit in the sun in order to achieve tanned skin. Beyond the fact that bronzed skin is seen as sexy, people look and feel healthier when they have a healthy tanned glow on their bodies. Clothes seem to look better on a tanned individual than one who is pale, especially items that are pastel or especially vivid in color.

The negative aspect to this habit, however, is that one can and will shorten the life of their skin. In essence, baking in natural or artificial sunlight causes one to dry out their skin and rob it of its natural elasticity. Even those who are religious with the application of pre-tan and after-tanning moisturizers are prone to premature aging of the skin. This means that one wrinkles a lot earlier than mother nature intended, and the skin thickens and gets leathery over time with the exposure.

But there are options to still achieve that sun kissed look without actually sitting out in the sun or getting artificial sunlight from attending multiple tanning bed sessions. One great way to get bronzed skin is to use sunless tanning spray. Made in formulations for at home use as well as for professional application, sunless tanning spray doesn’t cause any negative side effects from use. In fact, there are no side effects at all experienced from sunless tanning spray.

One may be a little incredulous when it comes to sunless tanning spray because of the gamut of self tanning products that predated it. The former versions of self tanning lotions and creams were great examples of wonderful ideas that went wrong. Older versions of self tanners were hard to apply, left streaks when applied incorrectly (as if anyone ever was able to apply it correctly), and the coloration that one received from the products was nothing short of a unnatural looking shade of ugly brownish orange.

Today’s sunless tanning sprays are not only easier to use, but these products are much easier to apply. The success rate of these items is almost guaranteed, unless an individual intentionally doesn’t follow the instructions on the sunless tanning spray that they use. If one doesn’t trust themselves with the sunless tanning spray, there are professionals employed at tanning salons who can apply these formulations to them with the use of airbrushes.

While it is fun to romp around in the sun at a pool or spend a day baking at the beach, this really isn’t good for one’s skin. Using a high level SPF is essential for youthful skin, and naturally this inhibits one from getting a deep tan in natural or artificial sunlight. To still get that summery glow, one should use sunless tanning spray and save themselves from turning into an old hag- before they even hit their mid life.

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