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Apr 12, 2010

Sunless Spray Tanning

Save Face When You Use Sunless Spray Tanning Over Baking In The Sun

Many people are no stranger to lying out in the sun in order to get a summer tan. People who live in areas that are warm practically all year long are lucky enough to be able to use natural sunlight in order to tan, but those who live in areas that have distinct seasons have to rely on other methods in order to have a year round tan. For a good number of people, this means multiple sessions in the tanning bed in order to get and maintain that brown glow. But there is a problem with both of these methods of getting that sexy glow.

Both natural and artificial sunlight causes the drying out and aging of one’s skin. While some will argue that they won’t be affected by these light sources because they moisturize profusely, but the average lotion doesn’t have the ability to protect one from the damaging rays. Those who go to tanning beds aren’t able to use a lotion with SPF or it will damage the beds. Those who spend a lot of time baking at the beach or by a pool can’t use a lotion with enough SPF to truly protect them- or they wouldn’t get tan at all. Regardless of how much one moisturizes or uses SPF, prolonged exposure causes dried out, wrinkled and thick skin- which looks leathery.

This is where sunless spray tanning becomes useful, and is recommended over artificial sunlight and natural rays. Unlike any other source of bronzed skin, sunless spray tanning is completely safe and fool proof. Former products on the market, like creams and lotions that claim to tan one’s skin, did give individuals coloration to their skin, but this was often a very unnatural shade of orange brown. In addition, it was common for one using these lotions and creams to experience very prominent streaks. Most people who used these items found that there were areas where the pigmentation was significantly darker, especially on the hands, knees and elbows and any other typically dry area of the body.

Sunless spray tanning can be purchased for home use in department and drug stores, but for those who want to be certain that they get a good even coloration; there are other ways for sunless spray tanning to be applied. One of these is by an automated sunless spray tanning booth. These are found at many tanning salons, and often cost only a little more than standard tanning bed sessions. The other way to have sunless spray tanning applied is to have a licensed professional apply it with an airbrush. This is the best way to do sunless spray tanning, as a professional can look at one’s application and ensure that it is even on every part of one’s body.

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