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May 8, 2010

Airbrush Sunless Tanning

Airbrush Sunless Tanning Gives You That Summer Glow- Without The Side Effects

Many women and men are no stranger to tanning beds. Both sexes alike know the benefits of having tan skin. Beyond looking slimmer to others and feeling better about themselves, people know that there are other benefits to being tanner. One good example is that those who suffer from acne find that tanning beds give them the same drying effect as natural sunlight- which helps clear up their condition. Others feel that having darker skin makes them appear healthier and gives them greater flexibility in choosing clothing because many colors look better with a tan.

While it may have its positive benefits, getting a tan through artificial beds or natural sunlight is extremely harmful to one’s skin. Both of these activities have been known to cause premature aging of the skin, and even worse, both have been linked to skin cancer. Those who insist on frequent sessions at the tanning salon or sunbathing can expect to have dried out, thick and leathery skin in their future. It doesn’t even matter if one is religious in the use of pre-tanning lotions, after-tan moisturizers and different SPF formulations- the aging of the skin with constant exposure is guaranteed to occur.

Airbrush sunless tanning and indoor tanning products are the safer alternatives to beds and natural sunlight. Just as safe as any lotion or other over the counter topical skin product, these tanning formulations will not cause aging to the skin, and cannot cause skin cancer. The only issue that people have with these items is that they can cause one to have a “fake bake” appearance, with streaks and orange spots that look far from natural. But unlike the do it yourself products one can buy at the drug store, airbrush sunless tanning creates a perfectly bronzed appearance without streaking or unnatural color.

The greatest thing about airbrush sunless tanning is that the color one gets from these services lasts for a long time, and one can choose to have their whole body done or only parts. If one was going to a formal and wanted to look good in their long evening gown, they could choose to simply have their face and upper body done. Another great thing about airbrush sunless tanning is that it can eliminate the terrible tan lines one may get from being outside. Many people have complained of having farmer’s tans when they were caught outside in a t-shirt or shorts, but they can get airbrush sunless tanning done and cover the white areas.

Naturally the downside to airbrush sunless tanning is that it costs more than the drugstore variety lotions, creams and sprays. It takes a specially trained professional to perform airbrush sunless tanning, which causes the increase in cost over the do it yourself products. Anyone who has ever tried the self tanning items knows how hard it is to ensure an even application, and would likely agree that paying more is worth knowing that their tan will look natural.

May 5, 2010

Airbrush Tanning Solution

Stop The Streaks When You Use Airbrush Tanning Solution

Any given day, one can drive by their local tanning salon and see a line of people waiting for a bad to open. In the spring, these lines are at their longest as people want to get a jumpstart on their tan before summer rolls around. After all, who wants to look pasty white in their new cute dresses or sexy shorts? In the fall, the lines are long again as people try to hold on to their bronzed skin as long as possible. Beyond these reasons, many people feel that having tan skin makes them look slimmer, healthier and sexier to members of the opposite sex. This naturally goes for women, but many men also sign up for tanning bed sessions, too.

Few will argue the fact that going to a tanning bed is relaxing. It’s nice to pop one’s MP3 player into their ears and lie down for a few minutes. Others take the opportunity to take a power nap while tanning, and they feel rejuvenated after getting up and out of the booth. Though these are some positives about the tanning salon experience, there are some serious negatives that people neglect to think about in addition. First of all, on the not-so-serious side of the equation is the fact that this activity dries the skin out. Of course an effective moisturizer can replace the moisture to the skin, but excessive dryness isn’t good. On the more severe end of things is the fact that tanning beds, same as natural sunlight, will cause the premature aging of one’s skin- and sometimes skin cancer.

Instead of turning to natural sunlight or artificial sun sources to get a tan, the newest way to get that sun kissed look is to use airbrush tanning solution. Unlike the run of the mill sunless tanning lotions and products that one can buy at their local drug store, airbrush tanning solution is applied by professionals. Though airbrush tanning solution applied by an expert means a higher cost, it also eliminates the possibility for streaks and unevenness of color. Standard do it yourself lotions have been known to cause an unnatural looking orange glow to one’s skin. They also have been reputed to cause funny looking dark spots in the creases of one’s skin and in typically dry areas of the body, especially on the hands, elbows and knees. Airbrush tanning solution is designed to be thin and go on evenly, moisturizing the skin and eliminating the dark spots.

The great news about airbrush tanning solution is that people who utilize this method of skin darkening don’t experience any side effects. Frequent users of this product actually report that their skin is better moisturized afterward. Another benefit of airbrush tanning solution is that people can choose the level of darkness which they desire. At home tanners make one look less natural the darker one gets, but airbrush tanning solution is designed to be adjustable from a slight tan to a dark glow- without getting the orange tint at all. Safe, effective, and natural looking, airbrush tanning solution is the best buy for one who wants that sexy summer glow all year round.

May 3, 2010

Indoor Tanning Lotion

The Best Indoor Tanning Lotion Won’t Give You Orange Skin

There aren’t many people who don’t spend time, effort and money on products and services aimed at helping them look their best. More so than men, women spend a lot for items to enhance their physical appearance. Women get their hair done, their finger nails and toes done, buy makeup to augment their facial features and certain clothing and accessories to make accent their bodies. Another thing that many women do is go to the tanning salon. Many of them feel that they look healthier and sexier with darker skin.

As long as one isn’t constantly bleaching their hair, getting their hair done isn’t going to cause damage. Same thing with the fingernails and toes- having polish applied to one’s nails doesn’t create an issue. Inferior makeup can clog one’s pores, but there are mineral formulations which won’t. Spending extended amounts of time in the sun or frequenting the tanning salon, however, can and will create long term issues for women who choose to do these activities. Though some sun is great for one’s health, getting too much can cause early wrinkling and a thickening of the skin which makes one look leathery- and even worse- skin cancer.

But who wants to age any faster than mother nature intended and have weathered looking skin? Instead of turning to tanning beds or worshipping the sun to get that sexy bronze glow, one should buy the best indoor tanning lotion they can find. These It used to be that all of the indoor lotions on the market resulted in fake looking tans which were evident from the streaking and orange looking skin. One could spot a “fake bake” from miles away because of the orange tint one had.

The good news is that the best indoor tanning lotion products made today won’t give those who use them an unnatural, streaky look. Made with ingredients which absorb into the skin and apply consistently, even for the most novice users, the best indoor tanning lotion products are fool proof for any user. Many of these even have convenient no mess applicators so that one doesn’t have to use their hands in the process, which can stain the creases in one’s skin.

Beyond their natural looking results and the fact that they are side effect free, the best indoor tanning lotion products cost much less than the hundreds one can spend by visiting the tanning salon. In order to get the desired tan, one normally has to visit the tanning salon for ten sessions or more. With the best indoor tanning lotion, one or two applications can give the same coloration. One bottle will always do the trick- and in most cases, this costs less than one tanning appointment.

Apr 29, 2010

Sunless Tanning Products

The Best Sunless Tanning Products Won’t Turn You Into An Old Hag

Many people have tried self tanning lotions and creams in the past and most of them report that the results were less than satisfactory. From terrible streaking to a horrid orange coloration that looked far from natural, do it yourself products have rarely lived up to the claims they make on their packaging. Very few people have found success with these items, and as such have turned back to artificial sunlight and baking in the sun to get a darker skin tone.

The negatives of using a do it yourself product are obvious. Within minutes, one can see the streaks, super pigmented areas and unnatural hue created by the product. A positive thing to note is that one will lose the artificial coloration with extra showering and using sugar scrubs or body loofas or other exfoliating products. On the other hand, the negatives of basking in the sun and going to tanning bed sessions aren’t so obvious. These methods rob the body of its moisture, and over time can age the skin must faster than normal- not to mention the fact that they can cause skin cancer. The effects of artificial and natural sunlight don’t normally show until it is too late to correct them.

But if one still wants to have that sexy, healthy bronze glow to their skin, what should they do? Do it yourself lotions and creams have come a long way over time, and today’s best sunless tanning products and methods are much more advanced and provide much better results than their predecessors. There are self tanning products that one can buy in department stores which give a flawless and natural looking glow. One can also go to more modern salons and spas that employ professionals to apply airbrush tanning formulas.

Whether the best tanning products are in self application form or have to be applied by a professional is completely up to the individual looking to use them. Some people aren’t comfortable with the idea of another person seeing them practically nude, so the best sunless tanning products in their opinion are naturally the ones which they can use in the privacy of their own home. Other people don’t like to be bothered with having to apply something on their own and trust that a trained individual will do a better job. As such, the best sunless tanning is something they don’t have to fuss with on their own.

No matter what one believes to be the best sunless tanning method, the good thing to note is that today’s products are much better than what previously graced the shelves. The current product lineups on the market won’t create an unnatural appearance and will last. One can avoid facing major side effects and damaging their skin by sticking to topical products as compared to artificial or natural sunlight.

Apr 27, 2010

Cheap Tanning Lotion

Ditch That Old Cheap Tanning Lotion And Opt For Sunless Products To Get A Tan

Each year that passes, things change- we do the same old things in different ways, our favorite shows get replaced with others, old products are improved and outdated processes are updated. Nothing in the world is exempt from modification or elimination. While some may say that change isn’t a good thing, others argue that it’s exactly what we need.

Case in point is when one takes a look at how the health and beauty industry has changed over the years. Some changes, like improved makeup formulation and the reduction of testing on animals are good things. Other changes, like the wide array of garish colors that one can now paint their face with and the impact it has on our idea of beauty and self esteem, can be argued as bad. Naturally opinions of people vary on their personal preferences and tastes and how they see things.

A good example of a product in the health and beauty industry that has undergone a great deal of modification is tanning lotion. What was once expensive stuff has become cheap tanning lotion that anyone can afford. Naturally this change seems good because of the fact that it makes this essential affordable for any individual, and everyone knows how important it is for one’s skin to avoid the sun’s damaging rays. But some can argue that making cheap tanning lotion available to protect people isn’t the right answer for the issue of premature aging from the sun and skin cancer.

The fact is that people can find cheap tanning lotion anywhere, making its purchase easy, however cheap tanning lotion still doesn’t do any good when one doesn’t follow the instructions for use on the bottle. This is where the negative aspect comes in. Though cheap tanning lotion will protect one from the sun’s rays when it is used properly, many people ignore the application instructions on the back of the bottle and apply it once, expecting it to protect them all day.

The other issue with cheap tanning lotion that a good number of people fail to realize is that it has a shelf life and expiration date. Once that date passes, the cheap tanning lotion is no longer effective, so it provides no protection from the s when applied. Many assume that it is good forever, but the ingredients that serve as the barrier between the sun and your skin deteriorate over time.

This is why many skin experts are recommending that those who really want the tanned appearance should ditch their cheap tanning lotion and opt for sunless tanning methods instead. It’s never good for one to over expose their skin, and spending long amounts of time outdoors or even in artificial light sources like tanning beds will definitely have its consequences. Beyond drying out the skin, making it thicken over time, prolonged exposure to natural and artificial light will cause severe wrinkling. Who wants that?

Apr 25, 2010

Discount Tanning Lotion

Ditch That Run Of The Mill Discount Tanning Lotion And Try Sunless Tanning

When it comes to lying out in the sun and getting a tan, many people are aware that dermatologists and other experts don’t recommend it. Though baking in the sun a couple of days a year won’t necessarily cause severe skin damage, at a minimum it can cause a bad sunburn, dryness and peeling. The problem is that those who want a tanned exterior can’t simply spend a day or two a year out in the sun in order to get the color they want. The more time one spends in the sun’s rays, the more damage they are doing to their skin.

People know that if they are going to spend time outside, they should apply a lotion with a high enough SPF in order to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays. With the current economic crisis in this country, a good number of people don’t have enough money in order to buy a sun tanning lotion with sufficient enough protection. This normally means that individuals purchase discount tanning lotion from dollar stores and the like. While discount tanning lotion does, in fact, have some SPF in it, the formulation normally is so weak that one has to continually reapply the discount lotion at different intervals of time- and the average individual neglects to see these instructions.

If one truly doesn’t have the money to buy a good tanning lotion, they can always purchase the discount tanning lotion, but the important thing to remember is to follow the instructions on the back of the bottle. If it says that it needs to be reapplied more frequently when one sweats, after one gets out of the water or every 4 hours, then this is exactly what one needs to do in order to be adequately protected. This is the negative side of the discount tanning lotion- not following the instructions word for word means that one isn’t getting any benefit from it.

Sunless tanning is the new way for one to get perfectly bronzed skin without ever having to step their foot out in the sun. Instead of taking chances with discount tanning lotion, one can have sunless tanning lotion applied to their skin and get the same coloration, without the potential for prematurely aging the skin. While discount tanning lotion itself doesn’t harm one’s exterior, relying on it to protect one’s skin can be dangerous. Sunless tanning doesn’t involve any stipulations in which it won’t work, like the discount tanning lotion. Once one applies the sunless variety, their skin gets instantly darker. Even better, one can have it professionally applied for a guaranteed flawless tan. Why risk premature aging with discount tanning lotion when you can get a bronze glow with risk free sunless products?

Apr 22, 2010

Face Tanning Lotion

Hide That Unsightly Acne When You Use Face Tanning Lotion

Any teenager will lament that the worst thing that can happen to them is acne. It’s almost life ending when one develops a juicy zit just before yearbook pictures or the day of a big date, but it’s even worse when one suffers from pimples and blackheads that cover their face. Everyone knows that picking at one’s face isn’t going to solve the issue. In fact, it will only make it worse by creating the potential for more zits and scarring. So what can one do to lessen the redness and hideous appearance of pimply skin?

Some people will tell you that going to the tanning bed or spending time in the sun will help dry out the skin and eliminate the condition. Others will tell you that swimming in chlorine or in the salty ocean will help pull the impurities out of the skin and tighten the pores. There hasn’t been any specific research which has proven that these methods work, but those who have tried these routes do say that it works. While using artificial or natural sunlight helps dry out the skin, it also opens one’s skin up to the potential of premature aging and skin cancer with frequent use. Salt water and chlorine can over dry the skin and cause one to break out worse.

Beyond going to the dermatologist and receiving costly treatments that take time to be effective, one can always do things to cover up the condition and make it less apparent to others. Many women (and some men, too) attempt to cover up acne with concealer or foundation, but this often makes the skin look powdery, cakey or plain silly. These items aren’t meant for covering this skin nuisance or any other especially prominent skin condition. This is where face tanning lotion can help.

Face tanning lotion? Of course face tanning lotion was made for bronzing the skin and giving that summery glow to one’s outer appearance, but it can come in handy for those who suffer from acne. First of all, tanner skin doesn’t show pimples as much as pale skin. Having tanner skin will reduce their redness and visibility by making them blend better into one’s skin tone. Secondly, unlike thick makeup, face tanning lotion is thin and doesn’t cling to zits. One won’t get that cakey look that accentuates the acne and makes it easier to spot.

Though face tanning lotion was designed for one purpose, it helps for others. Going out in the sun to dry one’s skin out or swimming in salty or chemical infused water is never recommended because of their potential side effects. Face tanning lotion doesn’t carry any risk for side effects whatsoever and makes one’s pimples blend better. Though face tanning lotion doesn’t solve the problem of acne, it sure helps one agonize less over it’s ugly appearance!